Firstly, HaPPy BiRtHdAy MaE! I KnOw GiRlS YoUr AgE LoVe ThIs FoNt, So IrrItaTiNg As It iS, I ShALL PlEaSe YoU tOdAy, AnD WhEn YoU'Re BlOwInG ThE CaNdLeS Off YoUr CaKe LaTer, DuN FoRgEt tHe aLL ImPoRtAnT BiRtHdAy WiSh Is ThAt FoR UnClE JeRmAiNe To SeE YoU GeT A* FoR PsLe MaTh ThIs YeAr!
Whew. That was 5 minutes of useless blogging. HEY! Guess what. Uncle Jermaine here is getting fat. And I'm not saying it. Other people are! Yikes. Diet diet diet. That's the repercussions for not moving 8 hours a day and eating a spread of food during lunch break everyday.
Hey guys, here's a spinoff I got from a movie. About bloodtypes haha. Let's say your wife is cheating on you in bed now. What would you do?
1) Dash in with a sword in hand!
2) Stand at the door, and think of what to do
3) Peek through the room,whatever method you use
4) Call the cops and charge her with adultry!
Option 1 - Blood type A
Option 2 - Blood type O
Option 3 - Blood type AB
Option 4 - Blood type B
Accurate? Certainly not for me! You can make my guess.
Anyway, I can't believe there was only front row seats at a 1.50am show in Orchard! People get a life! Walk to Chinablack and drink 10 shots! Now my neck is hurting.
Was On MSN the whole night. I don't usually do this, but here were some interesting convos (names have been ??? to protect privacy and the writer's life) And I promise with all my life, I did not change any single word they said.
?????? says:
?????? says:
got pretty girl in CX?
jermsair says:
hahahahaha..u mean the stewardess?
????? says:
or all old ass
????? says:
u got talk to the stewardess
jermsair says:
got...of the aeroplane
jermsair says:
we sit down chit chat
?????? says:
wah pretty or not? chinese?
jermsair says:
of course chinese..not pretty la haha
hahahaha. I thought the reputation for pretty stewardesses would go to.....SQ? EK?
????? says:
so long nv see them.. but ---- didnt change much..hah
jermsair says:
hahaha..yea yea
jermsair says:
then i nv change ah
????? says:
u... eh... abit more handsome
????? says:
now more tidy ... definitely
wahahaha. ok I know a lot of you just puked on your afternoon tea break, or maybe you won't have any stomach for dinner later.
so did i !