Tuesday, May 23, 2006

hello !

Greetings from the land of Mickey Mouse !

Well been here almost a week? I'm really not sure what day and date it is today. Seriously! I'm here for a month, so who cares. It's been good so far! Firstly, CX was so kind to upgrade me to LAX, but I fell sick on the plane though, and got really jetlagged.

Arrived in LAX, spent the night there with my aunt then woke up early next morning to take the train to Anaheim! Met her friend there and she took me to Disneyland. I find the place really kiddo, so didn't really enjoy myself, but the rides were fun and took lots of pictures!

Spent the night at a very cheap inn, then we drove back to the city and spent the afternoon in Santa Monica beach. Loved it! It's like so happening, everyone's playing volleyball there. Wish I could join them eh.

Yesterday was much better at Universal Studios, I think it suits me more. Visited many movie sites which I will upload the pics when I'm back. At night, went for a gala showcase, and took pics with the stars!!

This morning followed my aunt to work where SONY was presenting their new shows and movies for the coming year and she asked me to do the review form. I'm so into their new shows!

Tomorrow will be our great night - Madonna live in concert !

Oh well, it's 8:26am in Singapore now, so no one to chat with. Another time then!

after all this time..

Sunday, May 14, 2006

John F Kennedy once said:

"The courage of life is a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures...

And that is the basis of all morality."

18 MAY - 14 JUNE

see u in one month !

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

This week, my uniforms for work finally arrived, but way too late. I tendered my resignation today, last day for me will be on Monday, 15th May. So it's the end of my second stint at CX, it's going to be a heavy-hearted farewell with mixed feelings, but life goes on.

long, long time

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The world irritates me.

Why is the world bickering over matters that can be resolved amicably and easily?

Case 1: A young teenager's metertarsal that the world is losing sleep on
Solution: A slightly older and mature adult who has just recovered from a metertarsal injury

Case 2: The reason why this Saturday is a public holiday (and that's why I'm not going to work)
Solution: Flip a coin

Off to bed.

play that funky music, white boy!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Look mike, you'll be the star this summer since my foot is busted, but i'll beat u in England's Next Top Model 2006.. Posted by Picasa