Hmm.Work is taking a toll on me. I guess, it's the lack of sleep. The 0530 shift is really coming down hard on myself. I don't usually sleep so early, maybe even after midnight, but that leaves only 4.5 hours of sleep, which is barely even 40 winks for me. Actually, to wake up at 0430 is considered a luxury already, considering most of my other colleagues living on the other side of the island have to get up much earlier. But that doesn't help much lah. The first thing I do when I reach the office is to hit the couch and catch another 40 winks, literally, and then it's time to battle.Btw, the skytrain is under renovation, and it won't be operation for the next 2 days, or so I heard. There's only gonna be a shuttle service, so I can imagine the mayhem. Passengers missing flights would be a common sight!I need to sleep.Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit u.
FIRST DAY OF WORK!Ok, first day after 6 months or so. With a brand new left eye! Back to the airport...So woke up slightly late today, and rushed to the salon to colour my hair black. Yeah, there's goes my beautiful blond. And did I mention? Just re-coloured it last week in KL! It lasted only 1 week! Sobz.Bought lunch up, did my usual 'oh how's your eye?' interviews for the zillionth time (no, I really appreciate your concern of course, don't mean to be so curt) and went straight down for check-in.Which is not part of the plan! I'm supposed to have refresher training!So naturally, had a nervy first 30 minutes but after that, zzzzzzzz. Did my THING. And it seems like I have been doing it for years so didn't have any major problems. Anyway, flights are so light now. No one is travelling after the march hols.Dinner at POPEYES! What's surprising? I'm never ever sick of Popeyes. LoL.And I'm off tomorrow! I have a very weird roster -_-No need to hit the sack so early. So you think you can dance, Punk'd, Desperate housewives, grey's anatomy!Hey girl, I wanna catch your waveHey girl, I wanna drift away
After the trauma two weeks ago,it emerged again. Hai.Dayana's younger sister, 17 years old,collapsed in the houserespiratory failuremedics arrived and did CPR,but to no avail.And she's gone, just like thatIt's just too much to bear.Everything's just so sudden.There's an army of lovers,dying to meet you,dying to make your acquaintence.
Yeah yeah.
Finally got my photos from the Malaysia trip.
Anyway, I so wanted to say this when I experienced it, so let's start off with this sour note. I HAD A BAD EXPERIENCE WITH AIR ASIA.
(Ok note the way I phrase lest I get sued for propaganda)
I mean, after donkey years of travelling, how on earth can someone actually pry open a lock on your baggage, check to see if there's anything valuable, and after realised there isn't anything worth stealing, PUTS THE LOCK BACK INTO THE LUGGAGE, and closes the bag.
Seriously, is that just plain stupidity, or sort of a consolation integrity thingy?
Anyway, that was the outcome of my brother's bag, which I preceeded to beg him to make a report but unanimously, since nothing was missing, there wasn't much of a need.
Tell me, if you were in my shoes, you'd probably be seething furiously. Thats, to me, is worse than stealing. I can't even define such an act.
Ok back to my trip.
See? The problem is spreading. Even the journalists are having a few day. Whoa. Can't wait for the investigations to end. The lawyers will have a great time.
I 'love' this invention. Anti-snatch handbag. I was so interested, I asked for a live demonstration. And I couldn't stop laughing. Next time u see me, ask me how it works, and it will leave u in stitches as well.
Look at how bored I was. All my years, didn't realise my cousins were mahjong addicts as well. And they play using FEI tiles as well. I love the wonder of that tile. Sarah, next time must play the FEI.
Seriously, the amount of mosquito bites were appalling.
I call this, the most contracdicting dish in the world. FRIED ICE. Wth. Soon we'll have what? Iced fire? Hahaha.
See? The man is frying the ice. How does it taste, you ask me. Haha. Like crap.
I'm drinking the most delicious beverage in the world: Umbra juice with plum. Apparently, UMBRA is a kind of fruit grown in Malaysia. It's very very sour. More potent than lime. I think Malays call it kedongdong. My neighbour has a kedongdong tree and it resembles and umbra.
I love this Thai dessert: mango sticky rice !
Ok end of trip. Back to S'pore!
Went airport today. Whoa check this out! They have this in transit.
That's me sitting on the iSqueeze. Whoa my legs practically numbed out, but it's very comfortable! Should buy one. Put at home.
And I saw this in Millenia Walk!
So those of you still have unused bottles of Bausch and Lomb, go and exchange it! If you have used ones, throw it away. Ok.
It's at Millenia Walk!
BACK BACK BACK.1 week in Malaysia is so torturing. There's like nothing to do. But, I did some things and ate some stuff that I never ate before! Will upload the photos soon.Today I did something that I told myself I would quit after the operation - play volleyball! Back to shss.Seriously, I shouldn't even be playing soccer. It's dangerous enough. 1 famous David Beckham free-kick straight into my eye, and it's operation cornea no.2! But to some extent, at least, you can sort of control whether the ball hits you.VOLLEYBALL. Oh my. Even the word scares me. Volleyball is like 10 times more dangerous. And unlike soccer, there's no way you can really control whether the ball hits you. Sure, if you're quick enough, you can duck when the ball flies straight at you. But I have seen, and suffered, situations when you're up on the block and your whole face gets busted by the quick spiker. Yes I remember way back then, getting a huge whack to the face by the ball and getting a busted and bleeding nose.Here's a great achievement for me - I PLAYED 7 SETS!In my 4 long years training, I don't even remember a session where we actually had so much time to play 7 straight sets! With my fiitness, or should I say, lack of fitness, I expected to last just 3 sets. So 7 sets was reallly very exhausting, which explains my jelly-like legs and sore wrists right now as I'm typing. Played from evening all the way till 10pm ok. You know how long I starved in the court. Yikes.Surprisingly, many 'old boys' went back too, as my coach would put it, including my senior senior senior senior who is?/was? playing for the Singapore team. But mostly were the recently graduated batch, including 1 junior who's about to embark on the HTM route next month too. WOO!Anyway, the current batch is in the midst of the nationals now,which I do expect them to clinch it even with all the flaws in the defence. Jia you!In the sea of peopleI saw your faceAnd it came backAgain.
My dearest friend Mels.You will get through this difficult period. I admire your courage and strength, and I can see this is a very tough time, but no matter what, I pray that God will help you and your family stand strong, and move on as part of God's greater plans for you."Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Cor 15:58We are all behind you! :)[Malaysia13-19 March]
Back from my long-awaited check-up at SGH. Great to see everyone back there, nurses and the doctors who attended to me, especially my Prof who did the op for me. I really owe it to him for his foresight, cos like the article said, it was a matter of life and death after that.Anyway, I would like to say this to all current contact lens users:STOP USING RENU!Yes it's all over the news and papers, but some people are just too stubborn, thinking it won't hit them huh.Well here's the thing, Prof told me the infections are on the rise again. And it's hitting young teenagers like me now. (I'm still young, and I'm still a teenager. Until Nov this year)And so far, those who have been infected are all RENU users!Seriously, why take the chance? I think it's plain stupid. You are putting not only your sight on the line, but possible, your life. Even though nothing's confirmed about the link between the solution and the infection, it's still better to be safe than sorry! And having said that, with the infections still rising, I think there could be a positive link!My doc said, there's this guy, about my age, same thing happened to him like my case, but his is even worse! I can't comprehend how much worse can it get. The whole trauma, pain, operation and sleepless nights: it's hell enough, and no one should go through that.Not convinced? Now here's even worser news.Prof also told me that America is running out of corneas for operations! That's usually where Singapore imports the eye from, and the supply is running out so badly that there could be a public plea for cornea donations. So those on the transplant now are on the 'waiting list', and that's bad. Like the article said, a delay, even one single day, could be catastrophic.Anyway, the bottom line is, STOP USING RENU. Don't be stubborn and act hero. It could happen to me, it could happen to anyone. Of course I would say it's still safe to wear lenses, but there's a million other different solutions out there in the market, just stop RENU!
I did it!Well, Brokeback Mountain was everything that I expected. Lots of very uncomfortable scenes, great plot, great acting, and above all, a love story like no other that transcends all human love. It definitely left me very teary-eyed at the end.Of course, then you keep wondering how in the world did it NOT win the Oscar. Oh well, if you'd ask me, I still think Crash was a tad better, at least it deals with a sort of more serious problem - racism, that no one should ever suffer from. But nevertheless, if I do get the chance, I would love to see Brokeback again. It's really touching from beginning to end, one of those films that really tug on your heartstrings, not some cheesy love story but one that really defines the sacrifices that one would have to make for the ones you love.2 thumbs up!

Marilyn's 21st yesterday at her place! One of the nicest condos I've ever been to. Can't wait for her to start flying for SQ!Followed by, my maiden trip to Geylang for supper. Ate tau huay, xiao long bao, wo tie and drank tou hua. Wah super nice man. Though it's like soooo inaccessible. The food rocked my socks off. Then followed by a tour around the area, really really very freaky. What's more, it's super infested with stray cats and dogs. Ewww.Soccer this morning and tomorrow as well, and next week. Need to get back in shape!Oh oh oh! Finally, my room has a TV! So it has a TV and a computer. But no phone. But who cares. I have free incoming everyday now. But the TV has no SCV. But who cares. I'm gonna get a DVD player. Then I will have a great holiday. Hello OC and One Tree Hill. Woo hoo.Ok off to watch Army Daze!
Career Fair 2006 yesterday was largely boring. Jobs wise, it was disappointing and slightly embaressing. Won't go into details, shall probably just stick to CX for the meantime. Education wise, at least I've dug out more info about other private courses just in case I don't get into the local unis, which is such a big possibility anyway.I don't get it, hordes of secondary school students, I reckon not even close to taking O levels, crowding the whole place out. Dudes, I know you are all interested in working in the stupid casino ( JUST LIKE ME), but you're way ahead of schedule, and by the time you actually make it to that stage, who knows? The casinos would probably have folded.I read with interest this morning about the recipients of the tourism awards. Indeed service is making a comeback in Singapore, and allow me to share a very unforgettable experience about good service.So yesterday evening my mum was driving me home from town and we deicded to stop by The Cheesecake Cafe to take away some cheesecake (DUH) home for desserts.Upon stepping in, we were greeted warmly by all the counter staff, about 3 of them smartly dressed. Greeted warmly means a very genuine 'Good evening!' and not the lacklustre and forced kind of welcome that you get at 99.9% of establishments here. They proceeded to enquire about seating us which I then informed them about just packing some cheesecake home.It's probably just my second time at this cafe, and I was lost for choice just looking at the array of different types of cheesecake in the display window. Then next obvious thing anyone would do is to ask for recommendations, and I certainly got that done very professionally.The counter staff not only gave me a clear description on their house special, she proceeded to help me recommend other favourites that were favourites among the frequent customers. It was a relatively easy task just picking 4 slices of cheesecake home.Here's what impressed me most though: while my mum and I were busy engaged in this convo with the counter staff, a petite server came over and brought 2 glasses of ice water to us, which of course came as a surprise and we politely declined. She smiled and insisted we obliged, adding that 'it was specially prepared for us'. I couldn't say no.Mind you, when I mean ice water, I don't mean those stingy paper cups that you get from McDonalds or Coffee Bean. It was a big glass of ice water with serviettes to come along, served in a nice tray.When we were paying, the same counter staff proceeded to inform us about credit card discounts and birthday cakes that could be pre-oredered and made to deliver for special occassions. She bade us goodbye after the payment.Talk about good service! I think that 5 minutes in the cafe has lest a long-lasting impression of how to treat customers, even for take-aways. It's definitely a 5 out of 5 for me.Oh, to add on, they are recruiting part-timers, and students are most welcome because one of the servers was wearing the HTM cohort shirt, which, if I'm not wrong, probably just a year 2 student working during this holidays.The cheesecake, what more can I say, is heavenly, and worth every cent. Their house special is the peach cheesecake with jelly, a perfect combination that would never go wrong. My brother walloped the oreo cheesecake in no time, delightfully rich in....oero of course. Rum and raisin cheesecake was a tad too strong for my liking, but it was unique in all ways, and I finished it anyway. Lastly, the plain American cheesecake was simply...perfect.Go try it guys!
*Updated videos (sorry, I'm too bored)1) Gareth Gates and Siti Nurhaliza
"Say It Isn't So"MTV Asia Awards Live in Singapore 14 Feb 2004oh, I was there, just brings back some memories.2) Some idiot"Like A Rose"Originally done by A1Written by Ben AdamsI'm sure the rose would have been dead by now.Coming up..highlights from Ford Minor concert 2006!