MAMBO JAMBO YET AGAIN! I saw the signThat opened up my eyesI saw the signLife is demandingWithout understandingI saw the signThat opened up my eyesI saw the signNo one's gonna drag you upBringing you into the life where you belongOh where do you belong?
From this week onwards, I am going to Mambo for 104 consecutive weeks. This is to replace all the lost time during the past 2 years!
You can never get sick of Mambo. Anyway I think I look kinda horrible in the photos, must have been too weary from everything. So unglam, but anyway.

Oh anyway this my 7 year old cousin from Ipoh, his name is Shaun and he is unbelievably cute. His favourite actress is Lindsay Lohan and his favourite movie is Herbie Fully Loaded! Haha, definitely took some of my genes. In 10 years' time, he will displace Zac Efron in High School Musical 10!And I am so gonna watch High School Musical LIVE ON ICE !
Back from the land of the Middle Rocks (yeah we own Pedra Branca!) Did nothing but ate Ipoh food for 4 days, which was probably equivalent to 10 years on the threadmill. Well went there to celebrate my grandfather's 84th birthday, photos up soon, but it was a good dinner in the end. Anyway Ipoh is really boring, maybe I shouldn't spend more than 2 days there again.
Oh yeah I took an Air Asia flight to KL and back for the trip, and it's like my 10th time taking Air Asia and the 10th time there's a flight delay. Like trying to smoke me man. So take note when buying that $1 ticket online, YOUR FLIGHT WILL DEFINITELY GET DELAYED! The good thing is, you would never guess how fast the SIN/KUL route was. 45 mins was like 45 seconds. I couldn't even finish half an episode of One Tree Hill on my pod.
Watched PRINCE CASPIAN when I was there. Please, please, please watch this movie! It is sooooo good, I am so gonna watch it again when it is released in Singapore. 2 and a half hours and even so, I was still craving for more!
It's like a vast improvement from the first movie and seriously I'm already predicting that this will be my favourite movie of 2008 even though Half Blood Prince will be released on my birthday.
Narnia-o-meter: 5/5My lawyer is calling!!
MAMBO WAS AWESOME!!Malaysia - 22-25 May
Today my unit organised a farewell lunch for all the June ORD soldiers (5 of us) at Quality Hotel. Surprisingly I thought the food wasn't so bad even though the hotel looked like some budget hotel off Tsim Tsa Chiu or something. In fact, it was quite innovative of them to have a dish of chilli crab sauce and man tou without chilli crab, since I absolutely dig the gravy more than the crab itself. I was literally drinking the gravy rather than dipping my man tou inside. Then their laksa was so good, I rate it 10 times better than any Katong laksa which is showing up in many places other than Katong itself.
Anyway the unit got me this plaque as a farewell gift.
Quite nice eh.
Oh yah now I'm actually using a blackberry because my dad simply can't get used to using it and he wants a simpler phone for his Shanghai trip so he took my k800 instead and I'm using this.
Well if you thought I'm totally not IT-savvy enough to understand how to use a blackberry, then, you are partially right. Thing is, I can work my way through most of the functions easily except the most basic one, text messaging. Up till now, I still can't figure out where's the comma, question mark and exclamation mark. So if you receive a text message that's not entirely jermsair-communicable, that's because I haven't managed to get my punctuation in check and it's NOT because I'm emo. Ok.
And I've actually started reading Digital Life on Tuesdays just to keep myself in the loop with all the tech-savviness and I found interesting articles in the gaming section. Check out this game:
What sort of a pussy ninja game is this. Ninja Turtles would smack you if they catch you playing this.
This is a game called 'The World Ends With You'. And seems like a rocking good game to me. Unfortunately only available on Nintendo DS.
Actually I suddenly feel like a hardcore gamer even though I've never been one. I was at the arcade recently and I was so hooked on X-Men vs Street Fighter. My Cyclops and Gambit cruised past everyone all the way to Apocalypse where he killed me in seconds, but the next round my Cyclops alone laser-beamed him all the way till he died!
Ok wake up.
Oh yes I was reading The Straits Times today and I came across an article about 10 stray cats being murdered (yes, they actually used the word 'murdered'. On animals.) in Pasir Ris (see Iz, Pasir Ris is like an Iraq War between humans and animals) and I can't believe that the Cat Society of Singapore (what sort of a ridiculous society is that? Cat society? So they have meet-the-cats session once a week or what?) is offering a humongous $10,000 reward for any information that may lead to the cats' killer!
My problem is not about my hatred for animals. Let me tell you what my problem is.
Firstly, don't speculate. How do you even know the cats were murdered (I still can't believe they used this word) by humans and not mauled to death by dogs. It irks me that we humans will get so overly concerned about 10 cats being killed in a neighbourhood but would so even find it hard to blink when there's a cyclone in Myanmar and an earthquake in China.
Secondly, the economy is not doing very well. Can you please figure out a better way to use $10,000? Why don't we donate this money to the victims of the disasters instead? And for that matter, why would the Cat Society of Singapore even have so much funds in the first place?
Thirdly, do not ever solicit for funds from the public again. If your idea of funding is collecting moolah and letting it hibernate till some assumingly-deranged cat killer comes humming along and then you offer this moolah as a reward for information, I would rather buy a cat with my donation.
Fourthly, why don't you, as members of the Cat Society of Singapore, go about doing your own private investigation instead? If there's a cat killer and you are depending on public's help to find that killer, what's the whole point of having a cat society whose members just shake leg, collect donations and rely on the public? If you're so heartbroken about the dead cats, then go to Pasir Ris and film your own CSI Season 10 lah.
Long, long weekend for everyone. And I'm gonna brag out loud that my long weekend continues all the way till Sunday hahaha.
As usual, everyone's free on the long weekend, so its mahjong madness yet again.
The person who invented mahjong should be knighted. Nope, I don't care about Bill Gates and his silly Microsoft software that seems to be getting worser and worser or Steve Jobs and his apples which looks like becoming pears very soon.
MAHJONG is da bomb! It's old school, its traditional, it prevents old people from going crazy. Can computers do that? On the contrary, computers HASTEN the road to becoming senile.
So please knight the person who invented mahjong, give him a Nobel Peace or whatever.
And we were so desperate to play even without a table that we invented our ouwn table by chucking aside the computer!

There's even a compartment on top to put your barang barang while you play!
See? This is what I call INVENTION and INNOVATION. I don't care about what stupid automatic shuffler table. Please. Nothing beats this okay.
Well our whole game was interrupted by 2 XIAO QIANG who kept flewing all over the shop, so we got pretty distracted.
But apparently xiao qiang isn't very scared of masks.

My sunburnt chao tar face from 2 days of soccer. And I almost dismantled Ren Hao with a kung-fu kick to his legs but fortunately he was okay. Phew.

Today my aunt took us to e-hub at Downtown East, apparently it's like 'the coolest place in Singapore' now where everyone hangs out and be cool right.
Yeah, it is. If you're a kid, that is.
See, they ever have a ferris wheel in the mall. Why would you even bother to pay $30 to sit on the Singapore Flyer?

Went back home for 40 winks then left the house, met my mum for dinner who was with my aunt who came down from Melbourne to visit.
Sakae Sushi Teppanyaki ROCKS. It was so good I tell you. They even have FOIE GRAS which I devoured like a pig instead of savouring every bite. Do you know how FOIE GRAS is made? They take a goose, feed it like a million times a day, make it fat and obese, and then take out their chunky liver to cook! Ooh! If you're thinking of buying a pet for me, buy a goose. So I can overfeed it and make FOIE GRAS. Wahahahaha.
You know what. I look fat too.
Pot calling the kettle black.
I love taking leave in the morning. I can sleep till the cows come home.
Double dinner with Nicole. It's no wonder I'm getting so fat. It's not like dinner, rest, supper. It's dinner, dinner. Yeah take a look.
First stop was Plaza Market Cafe at Fairmont Singapore.

I didn't think it was a very fantastic buffet. Peranakan food with a twist of Japanese, ah, that's like Madonna doing a duet with The Click 5 or something. Ain't gonna work in a million years. It was trying to emulate Straits Kitchen at Grand Hyatt but the quality was just average and the spread of food wasn't that exciting.
Buffet-o-meter: 2/5
Next up was Waraku at Central Mall, where globalisation was redefined right in the heart of Clarke Quay. Table of 8, featuring 2 Singaporeans, 1 Korean, 1 Japanese, 1 English, 1 Australian, 1 Thai, 1 Indonesian.
What is this? Arsenal FC?

Trust me, it was the most awkward meal of my life. One of the most unusual conversations ended up like this:
Thai friend: Let's got to RCA when we are in Bangkok! (next week)
Nicole: What's RCA?
Jerms: You never heard of RCA?
Nicole: No..
Jerms: Oh, it's like, Muhd Sultan of Singapore lah. A lot of clubbing there.
Jerms: :X
And I call myself a tourism student. Right.
cosmopolitan-o-meter: 6/5Kailing's farewell was planned thereafter but unfortunately, she couldn't make it the last minute and we had a HTM outing nonetheless. Anyway, hope you have fun in NEW YORK (Yes! New Yoooork!) and meet lots of hot guys!
And thanks to Aaron for his rented car which drove us everywhere around East Coast Park and back to Simpang. I will support Leeds United if they get promoted!

Dinner at Old Town White Coffee at Big Splash.

Everyone felt like puking after the horrendous meal. So, don't go there unless you are in KL.
Old Town-o-meter: -5 / 5
I should never ever bowl again before the ground cracks and the pins burst open. My ball never seems to be on the ground. Hui Ting should quit school and be a full-time bowler since she trashed all of us. Haha.
Wah stylo zai milo sia (like the real useless Nani in Man U)

Charlene. Her ball takes 10 minutes to travel the length of the lane.
And yes, we are pointing to our champion Ting Ting!
Ok more photos next time. Gotta wake up for soccer.