Which, like I said, was an absolute killer. Rushed there just one hour after touching down! Like Rick Astley sings,
a full commitment's what I'm thinking of,
you wouldn't get this from any other guy!
Mams on Wednesday!
It was a little depressing because our competition mate Kiat got hit by H1N1 and couldn't join us. The scary part was that we actually played mahjong the weekend before so it's still a mystery how he actually got it. If anything, I should be the most vulnerable now I guess.
But anyway, he's doing great and bumped into poly mate Lorraine!
And a couple of soccer mates as well. All in all great to be back!
Thursday was as usual movie day with the gang so it was The Hangover and Public Enemies.
Suffice to say, you'd probably know what to expect just by looking at the movie poster. The Hangover - lame, predictable and definitely not funny at all. And I am pleasantly surprised the movie has surpassed the $500 million mark in America already. Seriously! Wassup man.
super-lambo-o-meter: 0/5
Public Enemies was much better than I thought, kinda cool seeing Christian Bale kicking Johnny Depp's ass in the end, but overall, the ending was extremely horrendous and that was very anti-climatic to say the least. You don't get a more trashy ending, considering this was touted to be a big blockbuster. And I also didn't like the fact that the movie mirrored Prison Break in so many ways. Oh come on. There's only one Michael Scofield, and Johnny Depp certainly didn't break out of prison as gloriously. Mr Depp, please go back to the chocolate factory and join your oompa loopas once more. Thank you very much.
one-time-lover-turned-enemy-o-meter: 3/5
My aunt from Kentucky sent me an email this morning titled 'Car Accident'.
We were in a car accident yesterday on the highway. We came upon some really heavy rain on the hilly part of the road. Alot of cars stopped by the curb to wait for the rain to pass. Jerry decided to go through. It was so heavy you couldn't see in front of you. Jerry lost control (came upon something called hydroplane) and the car spun. (remember that Americans drive on the left) The back of the passenger side hit the steel fence along the median and pushed the car out & it turned again, this time the front passenger side got hit and brought down a few of the rails. It spun again and came to a halt along the median.
I could really picture what was going on there because I was in Kentucky for 2 weeks just 3 years ago and it's really very dangerous when you drive in the rain. Well I'm glad nothing serious happened, because it's America and anything can happen. Probably should take time off and go back there once again. I miss that place!
But today, it's back to freezing Perth for the weekend. See you when I'll see you!