Today was really stuff-yourself-dead day, I don't think I've ever recall having 2 buffets in a single day! Add to the fact that I had Seoul Garden on Wednesday and brother's birthday bbq coming up tomorrow, I'll seriously smash my weighing machine if I'm still 79.9KG by Sunday night.
So it was Sakae Sushi buffet at Terminal 2 with my secondary school classmates and J Pot steamboat at Vivo with the family. I can honestly say I ate my heart out on both occasions.
Yesterday was Final Destination with Nicole and Kyann.

And suffice to say, it's probably the worst ending to a series that never really lived up to its hype anyway. Boring story, boring acting, B-grade cheap thrills, and most notably, I hope you realised that their fake blood doesn't even look like blood at all. All for just a grand total of......88 minutes. YAWN.
ah-la-luna-la-luna-o-meter: 0/5
If somebody asks me out for supper tonight, I will seriously puke put everything that I ate.
Anyway I watched Passengers on DVD today.

For obvious reasons, I love shows about airplanes and crashes and all that stuff in the air (except Snakes On a Plane, completely grossed me out!) and this one was very exciting! Kinda reminds me of Secret, my favourite Zhou Jie Lun show, with an unexpected twist in the middle, and I couldn't figure it out, as usual.
Saw the trailer for Happy Flight, going to be screened in Cineleisure soon!

Haha damm cute! Maybe if I wear my uniform to buy tickets, will have discount or something!
The past week has been really intensive sports for me. Monday was back to SHSS for volleyball where, no surprises, I completely sucked big time and it's really much worse than I though so I better get my act together and go back and train more often! Tuesday was out in town to help Nicole with her filming and over 500 photos were taken, should be uploading them soon. At night was soccer with the army mates as usual, every fortnight.

At the rate we're going every month, I don't see why we can't win the inter-unit competition next year. We've lost 2 years in a row, to the same opponents, and you don't need to be in my shoes to know it sucks.
And no one shall displace me as the number one keeper now!
Yesterday, the gang decided to go Seoul Garden for dinner. It was pretty spontaneous because Kiat worked there before and it was pretty interesting hearing me tell of all the stories and shit loads of work he had to do when he was 16 years old.

I don't know about you but it certainly brings back a lot of memories. Used to go Seoul Garden every week when I was in secondary school. $9.90 lunch with student card at Tampines Mall, and that outlet is still surviving, amazingly, after so many years.
But to think back now, imagine all that bbq stuff in my body. Wah super unhealthy.

At the end of the session, we obviously couldn't go straight to Zouk so we came prepared - toner, cleanser, cologne, facial wash, extra t-shirt - all at Copthorne hotel toilet. It's like guys night out before going to the club. Don't think it's only you gals that always need to make up!
Super lambo. Againnnnnn.

Round 2 was Around The World. I honestly cannot stomach how people can take all these weird drinks.

Round 3 was Jagerbomb for everyone. Yeah finally something for me!

Going for another buffet tomorrow. Please let me gain some weight by the time I start flying again. I AM STILL 79.9KG.
It's been yet another wild weekend, certainly it's been a very long time since I've had an entire weekend off work, and after next week, I don't know when I'll get that opportunity again.
Caught THE PROPOSAL with my mum, since she was so excited about this show.

And so far, you have to agree with my review because everyone else feels the same way too - great, great movie! Very touching, partly predictable but Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds just pulls off such a brilliant chemistry together you can't help but feel real good just watching this. Unbelievably good stuff, this is a must watch!
this-i-promise-you-o-meter: 5/5 !
After that it was off to Pit Stop Cafe to celebrate the August baby birthdays with Lisa, Ying Hua and Terence, thereafter all my mambo peeps joined in the wicked games as well!

Obviously, Taboo ruled the night!

You won't believe what sort of lame shit Taboo has become. Half the time it was a games of charades!
To describe 'bald'...
Terence: Botak?
Shawn: JONES!!!!
Oh my gosh. We need to ESPN a bit more with one another. This is bad!
We also played some dumb games about making animal sounds at each other, and I absolutely scoff at any -animal-related games because I suck!

Today 'is just another rainy Sunday afternoon, I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do'. LOL. Lemon Tree power.
And yes it was a rainy Sunday afternoon, pretty upset that my soccer game got cancelled just 2 hours before the kick off when I brought all my gear along to cell group, but well, shit happens in shitty Singapore weather. One thing I really love about Australia is the weather's pretty predictable wherever I go, so it's usually not a problem. Singapore is just dumb shit playing mind games with us. It's impossible to organise anything man.
Oh well, at night we gathered at Sarah's place for a games nite gathering. Yes you heard me. Sarah's place. And you thought she had the strictest family in the whole wide world. SCREW THAT. CNY at your place next year.
SIM student don't come and act studious when your guests arrive lah! Haha!

Vodka and Taboo the whole night? Or so we thought.

Her house is machiam a time-travel continuum or something, everywhere is just clocks and more clocks. It's very creepy.

Since no one else can cook, let's KISS - keep it simple, stupid. ORDER PIZZA.

And we're on a budget, no money to buy plastic cups, so write your names on the damm cup and use it the whole night!

Slackers unite!

And what better way to kick things off with a Jay Chou movie marathon - Initial D and Secret.
I was pretty reluctant with Initial D because I knew if I watched all the way till the end, I'm so gonna cry when my beloved Jay gets cheated upon and they start playing the theme song Yi Lu Xiang Bei.

So yes, we cut it off halfway. Jay can't drive for nuts lah. Bloody AE 86.
And everyone was pretty mesmerised with Secret, especially those who haven't watch and were trying to figure out the whole plot. And of course, by far my favourite Jay Chou movie ever, I was fighting so hard to keep the tears from falling.

And this, ladies and gentleman, is the scene of the century. I've captured it on my camera, and those who have watched the show will understand why.

I kept telling everyone throughout that once it comes to the liquid paper scene, I'm so gonna wail my eyes out like a baby and fortunately I didn't but oh my. That's by far the most heart-wrenching, emotionally-draining and tear-jerky scene in any movie ever filmed.
Crap, I don't know why I feel so attached to this movie, but I mean, it's simply brilliant. If you haven't watched it, please go to the kitchen, get a knife, and you know what to do. Don't let me do it for you!

Bailey's to accompany us the whole night.

Root beer + Baileys.
Look at what sort of shit concoction is that.

And no, I didn't drink anything. If you drink, don't drive.
There you have it. And why is so difficult to find anti drink-driving ambassadors?
But don't get me wrong, I love Bailey's. You should all fly to Cairns and check out the Bailey's cheesecake. OHHHHHH MY. Yes I know I'm not a very big fan of cheesecake but Bailey's cheesecake is just, out of this planet.
One big happy family! (Minus 'gimme hope joanna' who's perthing while we speak)

Boys boys boys.

The stupid things we do as a result of too much Bailey's.

We had a round of Texas but there was not a single cent involved, purely chips and it was a dress rehearsal for CNY next year. We've all decided to abandon Mr. Blackjack for something new. Yeah screw Ban Luck. It's for kids, I've enough of that.
So 5 more months to master that poke-poke-poke-poke-poker face!
And for the record, I hate that song.
Alright one more week to rot at home. I'm gonna DVD-marathon myself till the cows come home.