So just another short update. Anyway on today's flight there was an autistic kid, first time that I've met someone like that (no not that there's anything wrong with them) I don't really know much about autism except from watching and reading Dear John, which is, well, not a very viable source if I have to admit. This kid was quite scary. Someone was using the toilet and he didn't waht to wait so he started screaming his lungs out. It really freaked the living daylights out of everyone. It's quite common to have kids throw tantrums on board an entertainment-less flight but to scream and yell when someone is in the toilet? Extreme, I'd say.
So well being the very polite crew I spoke to the parents and they told me their kid was autistic. Don't really know how to deal with it but maybe I should go and learn more about autism. I don't wanna be someone who's completely ignorant about passengers' needs and up there, 30,000 ft in the air, it can be quite daunting for anyone so it's my job to ensure that everyone is well-taken care of.
Zouk Baby!
The day when England beat Slovenia and I downed a whole jug of long island tea and almost died.

Movie marathon!

Can't remember much about the first 2 toy stories, that was back in primary school I think. Either way, I'm officially the only person in the whole wide world to hate this movie. Hooooray!
Sorry but talking toys big ugly teddy bear bullies? I'd rather re-watch the Ken and Barbie scene 10 million times.
tarzan-boy-o-meter: 0/5

Will Smith's son makes his kickass movie big time debut alongside Jackie Chan. Very predictable, quite unrealistic towards the end when he defeated a martial arts champ with a broken leg, and Jackie Chan crying - NOT NICE. NOT NICE AT ALL. BE A MAN JACKO. Well as Randy would say.. IT'S AIGGGHT.
muay-thai-o-meter: 3.5/5

Sarah knows what's coming.
'What' and 'If' are two words as nonthreatening as words come by. Put them together side by side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. 'What if...'
Yet another beautiful performance from Amanda Seyfried, I never seem to get sick of her movies! From Mamma Mia, to Jennifer's Body, and of course a very heartwarming Savvanah in Dear John, this one is probably her best to date. A great old-time love story about writing letters to Juliet and finding your one true love, let us all never cease to find our one true Lorenzo. (No, not Romeo. Watch the show and you'll know why!)
taylor-swift-love-story-o-meter: 5/5 !

Cameron Diaz alongside Tom Cruise in an action thriller? That's like Stefanie Sun dueting with Simon Cowell. That's like eating roti prata with pineapple sorbet. Couldn't really see much chemistry between the couple, but nonetheless I absolutely love all the action, especially the first 30 minutes on board a plane where Tom Cruise is hijacked. AWESOME SHIT. So I know how to attack a hijacker using seat belts and oxygen masks! Brilliant!
somebody-call-911-o-meter: 4/5
Off for more world cup! Bye!