Today's post I will be blogging about something considered a little taboo in some cultures, and that is THE TOILET.
Specifically, the AIRCRAFT TOILETS. (Yeah, what did you expect, I'm gonna blog about how nice the toilets in Tampines Mall are?!)
The aircraft lavatory is a very unique feature of the plane.

And after 18 months of flying, I want to dedicate a blog post talking about aircraft lavatories because you will be amazed at how many passengers I come across everyday, from first-time fliers to frequent fliers, and they do not know how to even open a toilet door.
Yes, I kid you not. You would think a simple task like opening the toilet door would be chicken and duck feet combined, but NOOOOO.
Come fly with me one day and sit beside the toilet and just watch in amazement at how many passengers would just stand there and work out how in the world does this damm door open!
And this is definitely a concern because if a passenger doesn't even know how to open a toilet door, how can I depend on him to operate an emergency exit should there be an evacuation?! (FYI - most emergency exits on a plane are passenger-operated, which means prior to take-off they need to be briefed by cabin crew on how to open the aircraft emergency exit)
But fret not, because for the very first (and hopefully last) time in the history of commercial flying, yours truly will give you a full instructional post on how to open a toilet door!
You will never get this anywhere else except on my blog, so dear readers, you are in for a special treat today!
I will give you a step-by-step guide on how to open the door and teach you all the tricks of the trade that will assist you in making your next flight more comfortable! And everytime before you fly off for your holiday, just re-visit my blog and go through the toilet-opening procedures and you'll be on your way!
So grab your pen and notepad, and listen carefully! Here we go!
Ta da! So simple! Opening the toilet door isn't rocket science after all right?
Next week we will go onto something even more complex - LOCKING THE TOILET DOOR.