Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gonna do 4 movie reviews now and in a nutshell, are 4 movies were crap.



Oscar nominated for best movie and best actor, had very high expectations for this show and I rented it on iTunes (which costs US$4.99) and it was the worst ever $5 of my life! (Okay, not really, we've definitely seen worse movies of course) Terrible fighting, B-grade acting and a disastrous script really made me fall straight to bed. just bad.

kungfu-fighting-o-meter: 0/5



Law-related movies are not easy to please. You need a good case, a very engaging script and you definitely need a good twist. Unfortunately, this was predictable from start to finish and very dry for my liking.

love-in-the-first-degree-o-meter: 0/5



A fresh film about working in a TV station, I thought this was something that could really interest me but not even the very hawt Rachel McAdams could save this drab outing which resembled a boring 0-0 soccer game. Yawn. I'd rather watch channel newsasia or The Noose.

good-morning-sunshine-o-meter: 0/5



2 guys lose interest in their wives and gain a hall pass, a one-week vacation off their marriage to do whatever they want. It was extremely hilarious but other than that, a stupid concept that didn't work out at all.

pass-the-bucket-o-meter: 0/5

Work's been emotionally and mentally tiring for me. In the supervisory position that I am, it's so hard to draw the line. No doubt I'm here to make friends with everyone but I think we should have mutual respect for each other. Sometimes, you can't step over the line. Then I'll ask myself if I need to close one eye, or just be professional and draw that line.

My colleague told me that in my position, I'm can't be in it to make friends. That's the harsh reality. Sigh.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Some of you may know I did a fashion shoot cum dance performance for Flesh Imp in 2008 and I'm actually quite a fan of their stuff. Considering it's a local brand, their designs are very fresh and hip, comparable to many foreign brands so I do get some of my stuff from FLMP.

I love their recent addition of funky shirts! I'm actually a very shirt-y person; yeah my whole wardrobe is filled with colourful shirts (and therefore no surprise I'm a big cufflink person too)

This is my favourite!


White colour with retro sleeves! I can imagine wearing this to Zouk every week!

This one is damm funky town too!


The combi of white and gray is so adorable!

This one is 1960s cowboy style!


And this one semi-formal semi-casual, quite chic too!



They also have very nice shorts!



Ok people buy me an early birthday present and I'll be eternally happy to you.